09 October 2008

'Train' Ad for TransACT wins Worldfest Grand Remy for Advertising in America.

TransACT is Canberra's answer to FOXTEL but with a big difference, video on demand, meaning you don't have to wait for a session time like Foxtel, it's your remote control that decides when a movie or program begins. The brief was to demonstrate the superior control of TransTV Digital.

The first ad in the campaign I wrote was 'TRAIN'. The ad went on to win the prestigious Remi Grand Award for Best TV Commercial at the 39th Annual WorldFest International Film Festival in Houston Texas.

Picture: From left , Ivan Slavich (chuffed TransACT client), Director Serge Ou and Ken Buchan Creative Director.

Here is the next ad in the campaign advertising the benefits of TransACT's TransTALK and asking the question, "Why wait for an off peak call rate?"

This ad for TransACT's TransMOBILE pondered how different mobile phone rates can really alter your concept of time.

Client: TransACT
Agency: ZOO Advertising
CD/Writer/Art Director: Ken Buchan
Director: Serge Ou
Production: Bearcage

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